~Mom's Style Christmas Ham~
submitted by Rebecca78
A boneless ham
brown sugar
2 cans pineapple w/juice
1 jar marachino cherries
liquid smoke

You slice the ham however you want it (sandwich or hamsteak), and toss it into a baking pan.

Top with pineapple and cherries.

In a bowl, mix pineapple juice, cherry juice, a capful of liquid smoke, and add brown sugar until it becomes a little syrupy.

Pour it over the ham.

Put it all into the fridge for a while (an hour, a day, it doesn't matter).

Place pan into the oven, covered in foil (the pan, not the oven) at 350 degrees until it is bubbly hot.

This is especially good when you have baked potatoes. Put some of the juice onto the potatoes, top with ham, and sour cream. YUM!